Day 2
第二天早上,我查邮箱时读到了这位Harold Gray先生在前一天晚上10点以后的两封回复(为便于阅读,特将"兴趣点"用粗体标出,原文未加粗体格式):
From: harold gray <harold_gray****>
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Offer
To: "Ernest H*****" h********
Thanks for considering it wise to write back Mr. Ernest H***** despite the physical constraint you considered was a setback to this opportunity but it will interest you to know that you don't need to be a Uk Visa holder or need any Uk Visa to work in the United Kingdom for a week.
You will only be required to own a work permit for the duration of your job stay which we-** Model Agency- can obtain one for you but not until you have met all requirements for this job opportunity.
Mr. Harold Gray.
哦,不要VISA,只要WORK PERMIT?这个还属头一次听说。因为我之前出国时都要签证的,也没听说谁不要签证就能出国的(写到这里想起来了,还有STOWAWAY,嘿嘿)。不过,我倒是很有兴趣了解一下到底是怎么回事。(现在看来,这是SWINDLER精心设计的一个剧本。)
From: harold gray <harold_gray****>
Date: Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Offer
To: "Ernest H****" <h********>
Mr. Ernest H****
** Model Agency has been in the forefront of recruiting young talents from all around the world both boys and girls for prestigious clients like Gucci, Prada, Calvin Klein and so many international fashion designers.
We have a group of 5 non-English speaking girls from a local Chinese modeling school in Beijing coming to London on trail with our firm next week and all arrangement has been met for their one week stay and those selected will be part of our new face for most of our clients this coming springs.
Therefore we will need two interpreters to interpret back and forth for 7hrs which means that you are to help our communication with the girls by interpreting what we have instructed to what their replies and comments are. These will enhance and make our work with the girl a lot easier.
A drafted letter of job description and requirements will be sent to you once you have sent us a reply indicating your desire to take-up this job opportunity and a scanned copy of your CV/Resume or other relevant documents as affirmation of you being qualified for this position in all ramification.
We would want you to understand that we have got limited time and you are expected toinclude in your letter to us your quotation for this job (7hrs a day).
Mr. Harold Gray.
我又把CV做成了PDF(像个SCANNED COPY了),附上证件扫描件,并在与上级(老婆,下同)充分协商的基础上提出了一个看似荒诞的报价:
From: Ernest H**** <h********>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Offer
To: harold gray <harold_gray****>
Dear Harold,
How are you?
Guess you are in the morning now, I have chosen to reply you in the morning : ))
Attached pls find my CV (PDF) and images of my certificates. I hope they can help you make selection.
Also, my quote for this job is 50 Pounds /hr, that's 350 Pounds / day, total : 350*7 = 2450
Please let me know if this is reasonable to you. Thank you.
Best regards,
From: Ernest H**** <h********>
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Offer
To: harold gray <harold_gray****>
Hi Harold,
I forgot to mention that in my quote, these items shall be paid by the outsourcer separately: Visa (or work permit) formality charges, international airfair (two-way), accomodation and board (i.e. hotel and meals).
Do let me know your idea.
Best regards,
Ernest H****
晚上跟上级讨论了一下可行性,觉得去不去无所谓,也就不大关心了。不过还是查了几遍邮箱,一直没有回信。我想对方是知难而退了,于是重复昨天的故事——"洗了睡" : ))